If I could summarise 2019, it would be as a journey on the high seas with periods of calm interspersed with violent storms. There were days when getting out of bed seemed impossible and yet other days when I charged out of bed with gusto- all dependent on whether I saw my cup as half-empty or half-full.

I once wrote a poem about storms making us better sailors and …. I sure hope that’s true!  Nevertheless, I’ve closed the door on areas that don’t ‘feed’ my soul and picked up new challenges as I press towards my goal. Anchors aweigh!

When barbed clouds threaten to rip you in two

-when self-doubt is a blanket you’ve become used to,

no-one wants to read about people like you…

“Too much reality”

……that seems to

lower the tone

of the neighbourhood

of fantasy

And yet, it doesn’t last

-just a course-correcting storm

that finally deposits you on

the shores of sanity

© Vivian Zems

Poets and Storytellers United