deep silence
the shrill of cicadas
seeps into rocks
Maple trees sway in rhythm
Leaves curl in summers heat


Autumn’s show ends
Icicles take centre stage
Ushering in winter
soft winter breeze cherishes
the last colorful leaves  

The challenge is to complete a Tan Renga, a tanka-like poem created by two poets.

deep silence
the shrill of cicadas
seeps into rocks
© Matsuo Bashō (1644-1694)

Maple trees sway in rhythm
Leaves curl in summers heat
©Vivian Zems

Autumn’s show ends
Icicles take centre stage
Ushering in winter
©Vivian Zems

soft winter breeze cherishes
the last colorful leaves

Carpe Diem Weekend Meditation #7

Micropoetry Month 20/30- Tan Renga