I sit in my car fervently tapping away on my phone. It’s where I write articles, poems and stories- in total freedom. It’s where I create a doorway -of my choosing – into another world. In this world I’m The Creator. Characters live and die by the swipe of my hand. Their very well-being is dependant on my mood.

Why do I do this? Because I can!

The cost of my scribbling is Time. I wrestle it constantly -to make it stop… to slow it down before I join the real world.

I have no dominion over it here-as in the ‘other world’.

I tell all my characters to take a break. The kids are calling… they need me.

But I’ll be back – to rule again.

writing in springtime

along outstretched days

a story unfolds

©Vivian Zems

Today Björn hosts haibun Monday and the topic is freedom at dVerse. He would like us to think of aspects of freedom and how it also can intrude on other people’s  freedom.