What’s all the fuss about writing prompts?
It just so happens that I live and breathe them every day. I always get asked about which prompts I follow and doing a quick scan, realised that I’ve joined a few. Mayhaps a few too many- but I’m not counting -I love them all!
There’s no easier way to sharpen your writing (including poetry) skills- than by taking part. So here are the ones I belong to ( in no particular order ):

1. dVerse Poets Pub– joining these amazing poets was definitely a promotion for me. They don’t mess about- like Uni-level poetry. They have a schedule. For best value, turn up when the pub opens.

2. Mindloves misery’s menagerie– this, site-like dVerse- has several hosts. It’s a 7-Day prompt paradise. Here, you’re tasked with anything from flash fiction to different forms of poetry – especially haiku.

3. Friday fictioneers – hosted by Rochelle Wisoff. Rochelle posts a photo-prompt every Wednesday (to be delivered by Friday)- for a 100 word piece of flash fiction. I do my best to keep up.

4. Imaginary Garden with Real Toads– this is hosted by a group of wonderful writers. They also work according to a schedule and are a group I certainly look up to.

5. Twittering Tales – this is a challenge to write a tale in 140 characters – hosted by Kat Myrman. Kat posts a photo prompt on a Tuesday and sits back to watch your response. This is quite a giggle.

6. Colleen’s Weekly Poetry Challenge – here our host, Colleen posts two key words to be included in a haiku, tanka or haibun. This is also posted on a Tuesday. A great way to sharpen those brain cells.

7. Ronovan Writes Weekly – this weekly haiku challenge also has 2 key words to sink your teeth into.

8. Carpe Diem Haiku Kai– this is the heart of haiku challenges ( in my opinion). Hosted by Chèvrefeuille, it’s a daily of all forms of haiku. I find it to be quite an eye-opener.

9. Sue Vincent’s Daily Echo– Sue posts a photo prompt every Thursday to which you can write anything to.

10. Weekend Writing Prompt by Sammi Cox. Sammi is currently on #23 of this great excercise. The response can be poetry or prose.

11. The Sunday Whirl is a superb task for wordsmiths. It’s a mesh of words with the task to use all, if possible, in prose or poetry.

12. Mick E Talbot Poetry Challenge – Mick is delightful in introducing rare forms of poetry. From him, I’ve learnt the Elfje -a form I find useful when I’m stuck.

13. The Weekly Tanka Prompt Challenge  is, as the title suggests, just that. It’s run by lovely Elsie and she’s good at challenging muses.

14.  October Writing Prompts  is run by 2 amazing writers, Dorinda and Michelle. The prompts have all been laid out – ready for the month of October. I’ve only just found this one- so haven’t risen to any challenges yet.

On a final note- you must ensure you take time to read and comment on responses to prompts you join- otherwise, what’s the point?
There are many more prompts in blogosphere- if you can think of any more to add, please do so in the comments below.