
Smell The Coffee

Wake Up!




  Even when clothed in the bright colours of a peacock’s feathers.... the light plays games when it peaks through dry dead branches as it chases the darkness into the shadows And time passes so differently here beckons to... Continue Reading →

Seize the Day…All of it!

How easy it is to be swept through a be buried under a tsunami of worries and chores. We each cope differently with this stress..some better than others. I've learned that if I don't harness my mind to gain... Continue Reading →

The Thing called Light

Whether sat quietly at the end of a tunnel or out and about chasing the darkness or even casting its glow on new ideas -light is forever busy illuminating, exposing and even beckoning to us -travelling at great speeds to... Continue Reading →

The View from Your Mind

If you could be brave enough to see the promised land If you would lay down your defenses enough to let all others in If you could stay true to yourself; staying your hands from darkness - The heavens will... Continue Reading →

The Sound of Ink

Inching to the light on word-laden heavy feet boiling ink roars in my ears throb in my fingers no longer blood in my veins ink's screams yearning be heard ©Vivian Zems (#Sedoka) Sue Vincent's #writephoto

Every Tunnel Ends

Placed in love's graveyard, in a vortex of darkened chaos, a foreigner to kindness -charred by molten lava she endures all-without murmur The tunnel narrows light at the end driving out sorrow Hope? A silent exit she sighs -having tried.... Continue Reading →

I’ll Be The Moon

Mayhap not as bright as a sun drenched sky my face pours forth a soft glow in your shadows mayhap not as hot as that passionate star my coolness bathes you with soothing tones mayhap not scorch to touch as... Continue Reading →

Weapons of Warfare

Words are our weapons destroying human reason breaking down strongholds demolishing arguments illuminating clear truth ©Vivian Zems Poets United. Midweek motif~weapon Real Toads

The One True Light

Beyond tunnel's end The bright white light beckons Filled with promises ©Vivian Zems (#Haiku) Carpe Diem #1313 Inspired by Omar Khayyam: And this I know: whether the one True Light, Kindle to Love, or Wrath consume me quite, One Glimpse... Continue Reading →

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