The Rich Fool

Wherever I am, you are seen
What else would my life mean?
Through thick and thin
You lift up my chin
People love me more
Because they know you’re in store
I stand tall and proud
Because you protect me like a shroud

I’m never Nervous or shy

Because with  you, I can touch the sky
My family tell me what I want to hear
Simply because you’re near
My enemies are jealous
Because my bank is so zealous
My girlfriends worship me
Because you represent security
How can we be parted, Oh Money?
I shall forever savour you like sweet honey
You are my comfort, my future, my joy
You are my weapon- not my toy
Will you come with me to the other side?
Because with me you will always abide
Thinking of you is sublime
You are mine- I tell you,
           ALL MINE