
Smell The Coffee

Wake Up!



The Waiting Room

There’s much I wait for: ⁃ a sharp razor that'll cut a tree ⁃ an axe with its immense strength to cut my hair ⁃ common sense to thread it’s way into politics ⁃ kindly lawyers who waive their bills... Continue Reading →


You can’t dream when you’re busy surviving  You can’t fly when you don’t know you have wings You can’t see while wearing the blindfolds of pain So open your eyes  spread your wings Fly as high as you can past... Continue Reading →

A Tale of Two Stories

She is the devil in someone's  story Yet a saint in someone else's tale To some her heart is hard glass Yet strangers feel soft cotton Wicked, she is perceived  Her kindness she hides Who to believe?  You make up... Continue Reading →

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