I wonder at the world in which we live.

 Distracted days filled with the inane chatter of the putting away of crowns by princes- while floods steal the lives of innocents next door. Where human torches blend with the fiery landscape in countries down under while a teenager poses this way and that for the best instagram-able shot- and waits with bated breath for the ‘likes’ to come pouring in.

Heads turn to the latest sensation, and then the next…..leaving Faith, the Rock of our foundation, far behind.

 The Rock whispers, then speaks……..finally shouting.

The Rock cries out to us today, “You may stand upon me,  But do not hide your face”.

But no-one hears it…because a sizzling, hot tweet just arrived, claiming that a Hollywood couple might be getting back together.

’Tis now the world in which we live.

© Vivian Zems

Dverse Poets– The Rock Cries Out…..

A line from On the Pulse of Morning- by Maya Angelou