It’s 2019, this is my first post of the year….and this is where we are. The fight for justice continues.
Jakelin Maquin died in the custody of the U.S. Custom and Border Protection in December. She was 7. And again, another child passed away on Christmas eve, 8 year-old Felipe Alonzo-Gomez – in similar circumstances. (Sources: NBC & CBS)

On January 19th #Womenswave is coming- as women will march across cities all over the world. The agenda : Hope and Justice.

One foot in front of the other
as we march for justice
-carpeting the ground with
our pleas
seeding the hard earth
with footsteps of hope
And yet……..
how short the distance from mind
to heart
how instant a transformation
of a renewed mind

One foot in front of the other
as we march for justice
Pray this journey be shorter
as the quickening
of our minds and hearts

©Vivian Zems

Real Toads 

dVerse Poets