I want to thank everyone that’s visited this site and given their support. Your contributions and comments have been a delight to read, and your encouragement has been priceless. For those friends and family that have sent me private messages……I’m truly grateful.

A new year is around the corner. With it will come surprises and unexpected challenges, no doubt. All I can say is that you must ensure you surround yourself with people who love you unconditionally…so you can  be ‘…… like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither…..’ (Psalm 1:3- I’ve borrowed this line) .

My good news is that Tales in Teacups has been accepted by several online book retailers – like Kobo, Barnes and Noble, iBooks store etc (it’s already on Google Playstore and the Audiobook is on iTunes). I’ll be following up with a post on that next year. Tales in Teacups is hardly a work of literary excellence….it’s a collection of short stories- very simple….and yet, this is such a huge encouragement. I’m chuffed beyond belief! I hope to get better at this craft (smiles).

I wish you all more of all the good stuff in the coming year and beyond!




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Still waiting for these retailers…..
