How easy it is to be swept through a day…to be buried under a tsunami of worries and chores. We each cope differently with this stress..some better than others. I’ve learned that if I don’t harness my mind to gain a positive perspective on challenges, I’m likely to be both ineffective and unproductive. I never let a day pass me by without first, a good talking-to in the morning.
Each day is a gift….so I must take it seriously.

what I’m trying to say is
that I don’t negotiate with a new day
I tell it to forget its black and white shroud
…I’m done with colourless worlds
I demand it puts away sepia tones
…I’m not falling for that either
I insist on seizing the day
(and living)
with the fullness of colour

©Vivian Zems

Real Toads– Flash 55- A poem in 55 words

Poets United #431

Image-Jessie Tarbox Beals
America’s first female photojournalist
c. 1904