On my knees I fall back on God

When stuck in a hole

I fall back on God on my knees

Sliding down a slippery pole

Sweeter My life would be sweeter

And I would  get a breather

If I called on Him in peace

Spending more time

More time spent

On my knees

©Vivian Zems


Credit to Mick Talbot for encouraging me to try his new poetry form 🙂

Epanalepsis: A figure in which the opening word or phrase of a sentence is repeated at the end.

The colour coding:
RED: The repeated words in epanalepsis don’t have to be identical, but must be in context.
BLUE: Epanalepsis can occur across two sentences.
GREEN: The same word used at the beginning, and end of a sentence.
MAUVE: Epanalepsis can occur within a clause of a sentence.