The Crimson King stands over his favissa

Him, the arkwright of his implements

Familiar with subterfuge

His is not a place of refuge

The reflections from his windows

Causes a flutter of the soul

Because through these windows

His soul is as burnt charcoal

Clandestine by nature

His voice, a cacophony of screams

The King has to but open his mouth

To delve into your dreams

A vision of horror

One propagated by his imp

You see yourself on a pyre

A corset of terror

Making you limp

(C)- Vivian Zems 

12 words to use: corset flutter reflection favissa crimson imp pyre
subterfuge cacophony clandestine  delve  arkwright

Bonus Wordle- MLMM

The Crimson King is the main antagonist of The Dark Tower Series by Stephen King. He is the orchestrator of the chaos and decay in the Keystone World.